Zara & Zalia

Zara & Zalia

Zara & Zalia

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A man and his family, who are kind and very caring for any animal in their care, suddenly found
themselves with a pretty grey cat (Zalia) they nick named “Momma” on their property. She
arrived with her young daughter Zarah as a side kick. The cats were invited into their shop for
shelter, warmth and food but were able to roam the neighborhood at will. As would happen
both cats became pregnant as neither were spayed, and each had their babies within six days
of each other. Their future was a serious problem and not secure. The neighbors did not like
the cats wandering around, and unspayed females will attract unaltered males who will spray
on their windows, doors and patio furniture. The females will produce a litter of kittens two and
sometimes three times a year. The neighbors were threatening to trap all the cats and dump
them in the country. This could not happen. The family contacted Pet Patrol, kept the cats safe
until we could find room for them, and soon the girls were in our care.


Both Zarah and Zalia are calm and easy going girls who have adapted to all the changes in
their life. The two are very bonded and can be found daily curled up for nap time, grooming and
gentle play. They are quite loving and affectionate with their people as well. Introducing them
to toys has been entertaining as they had just the simplest in their past. Anything interactive or
automated is very exciting to them. Zarah and Zalia are wonderful cats who will be good
company and a wonderful addition to their forever home. One that will welcome them into the
family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979