Prita & Petina

Prita & Petina

Prita & Petina

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These pretty girls were discovered on a farm property, running through the barn when they
were just kittens. They were very timid and skittish initially because they were never handled
by people. Both were extremely underweight and found themselves defenseless out in the big
wide world. Once in our care they quickly became social and were adopted into a family
home. Fast forward two years and Pet Patrol received a call from the adopters saying they
were selling and moving out of province to be closer to family. Things were just not working
out for them here and the cats had to go today. There was a ten minute texting conversation
with arrangements for the cats to come to the sanctuary and then silence. Then the message
“I have dropped them off at the local city shelter”. ? That didn’t make much sense but by the
end of the day Prita and Petina were in our care once more. Happy and confident, beautiful


Prita and Petina love each other and are both cuddly and purr happily and loudly when shown
affection. Prita’s meows are like little squeaks, she is entertained by her sister Patina but also
anything can become a toy. She especially likes the dangling wand and something she can
chase down. Cautious in new surroundings to begin with she soon gained confidence and her
curiosity leads her to explore. This little one is quite affectionate and seeks out her people for
cuddles and lap naps. Patina is curious and loves to play! If there is a toy – she will get so
distracted from whatever she is doing to play with it. She, like her sister, also loves to cuddle
and sleeps in the funniest positions, she is easy to pick up and carry. Both girls are ready to
be adopted into their forever home together. One that will welcome them into the family and
keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979