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Yet another poor boy living out on the street. A woman who lives in a small village not too far
from the sanctuary has brought us many cats over the years. There’s a small village which borders on a river that comes from a popular lake. It is not uncommon for the cats to migrate to or
from this area into the village if they have become lost or abandoned. Also, there is farmland, so
there is no shortage of cats seeking out food and shelter. Chance showed up at a woman’s
home and she very easily picked him up and cradled him in her arms. He was being handled by
children who lived next door as well and showed us that he was a very nice affectionate cat. The
rescuer did not feel that Chance needed to be left outside and being an unaltered male there
was no way of tracking his family. This lovely brown tabby boy came into our care and made
himself very much at home.


Such a good cat. Chance is friendly and affectionate, likes to be with people and is gentle as
well. Being picked up by children is our first clue that he is a nice cat with a good disposition.
He migrates to anyone who wants to pet or play with him. Although good with other cats there are
too many here at the sanctuary for him. He would do well in a home with another cat or a passive
family dog. Playing with toys has been interesting for him, and it has piqued his curiosity, especially with the kitty tunnel, toys that rattle or crinkle and he loves looking out the windows. Chance
is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep
him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979