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A man who lives in a small village and had contacted Pet Patrol a year ago about a lovely
orange cat in need of a home, has now approached us again. This time they mentioned there
were “a few” cats hanging around their home that they were feeding. Problem was, none of
them are spayed or neutered, mature males were spraying on things, kittens were being born
outside and neighbours were complaining. Understandable. It started with Sparky coming
into our care, a friendly boy who like everyone, soon after that there was a mom and five babies and then Sparky’s brother Flash. In total we have taken in six cats and there are at least
that many more in the area. A few cats multiplied rather quickly. All have done well in our
care, all have had their vet care done and have thrived while living indoors


Flash is a great cat. He is friendly and affectionate, good with people and likes other cats as
well. All round he is a happy boy and has really taken to living inside, not wanting to deal with
the rain, mud, wind and cold nights. He enjoys all the toys and is happy to test them out to the
limit. Chasing crinkle balls, jumping up at the wand toys and seeking out the laser pen light.
He can be found rubbing up against someone’s legs, laying beside them and purring deeply.
Sparky would like a buddy in his home, if possible. Either an accepting resident cat or his
brother Sparky. He is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him
into the family and keep him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979