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As told by her rescuers: In February we met Sammy, a local barn cat who at first was
very standoffish like any typical barn cat, but she has quickly warmed up to us. She’s coming close for pets and snuggles and treats now. Soon we realized she was pregnant, so we
began feeding her more nutritious food than what was provided in the barn. Two months
later, she shows back up on our doorstep skinny! She had her babies in the barn. We had
no idea how many she had and if they were even OK. Fast forward another month and she
starts bringing her babies over to our doorstep. One by one. There were six in total and
since she trusted us immensely and we wanted to move her babies to safety as the barn is
very busy every day. We decided to take on the challenge to raise the kittens indoors until
they were eight weeks old and ready for adoption. We have fallen in love with two of the
kittens and the mom, and we hope Pet Patrol can help us rehome the others


Midnight is a pretty easy going dude, but don’t let his passive nature fool you, he is as playful and happy go lucky as the rest of his siblings.  He can be drawn into games of Tag, Pounce and “steal the toy” with the other kittens which is quite entertaining.  Favourite toys are paper tubes, balls with bells and the wonderment of the cat tree, often he is playing in the hammock or peering at the world from the top perch.  He is the chatty one in the family and will let you know when he wants attention or it’s time to eat.  As an affectionate kitten he can easily be held and cuddled, very loving and likes his people. Midnight is ready to be adopted into his forever home with a playmate or sibling.  One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979