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Pet Patrol received a phone call about five little kittens that eventually came into our care. Initially
it was a young Mennonite girl who showed up at the door of the sanctuary wondering if we would
be able to help. They had three or four litters of kittens and one kitten had already been stepped
on by a horse. Which is really sad. When we called a few weeks later, finally having foster space
for them, they had found homes for most except for these five. Eagerly wanting to bring them in; a
small horse and buggy showed up with the kittens in a chicken crate. To our pleasure they were
all healthy, happy and easy to handle. The children on the farm are extremely good with the babies, and the kittens all love to be held and snuggled. Named … they have thrived in our care and
are easily excited by toys.


Calvin, as little and as cute as he is he definitely thinks he is the athletic jock type. He is all boy
and no toy is going to get the better of him, and his siblings will never win a wrestling match with
him He can be a bit of a rough player with his siblings so it would be good if he had a playmate
in his new home that could keep up with him. On the other hand, he is such a sweet suck-up to
humans. Once he has burned off some of his energy, it is his people that he seeks out for cuddling, petting, and a nice nap right on your chest. Calvin is full of personality and his excitement
for fun and cuddles is entertaining. He has multiple heart shaped patches on his coat which is
unusual and endearing. Calvin is ready to be adopted into his forever home with a sibling or
playmate. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979