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Pet Patrol received a phone call about five little kittens that eventually came into our care. Initially
it was a young Mennonite girl who showed up at the door of the sanctuary wondering if we would
be able to help. They had three or four litters of kittens and one kitten had already been stepped
on by a horse. Which is really sad. When we called a few weeks later, finally having foster space
for them, they had found homes for most except for these five. Eagerly wanting to bring them in; a
small horse and buggy showed up with the kittens in a chicken crate. To our pleasure they were
all healthy, happy and easy to handle. The children on the farm are extremely good with the babies, and the kittens all love to be held and snuggled. Named … they have thrived in our care and
are easily excited by toys.


Clover is petite and sweet, but is also like a lioness or a queen kitty. She can be cautious and
covets her prize catch when she gets a toy She can be seen growling at her siblings to stay away
and don’t try to steal it, then goes into hiding so she has it all to herself to play with. The other
kittens heed to her will. But other times she is just like any other kitten, sleeping in a puddle of fur
and purr when they have tuckered themselves out from games of tag and pounce. Clover likes
her people very much and is cuddly and sweet, wanting cuddles and pets. She is ready to be
adopted into her forever home with a sibling or playmate. One that will welcome her into the
family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979