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An older lady and her boarder were reaching out for help for a colony if cats that were coming
around their neighborhood . She resided just outside a small hamlet on a remote side road and
the kitties started showing up daily. She didn’t know if they were drop offs or strays but she
started to feed them because she has felt they deserved to be looked after Unfortunately
things have escalated with more drop offs or reproducing as none were spayed or neutered.
Oanah came pregnant almost immediately after arriving and had a couple of kittens but the
woman didn’t rescue them and they have since become feral and residing in her yard. There
are other female cats there as well And of course they have kittens and they all tend to the
babies. Oanah would always welcome kittens needing care. Because of her sweet nature the
property owner reached out to a local lady that helps rescue and rehome cats and asked for
help. The cats were brought into care along with their kittens and have enjoyed a safe foster home since.


Odin is a handsome little fellow with striking markings and the same sweet natured confidence
that he is loved. He is neither the social greeter nor the grand adventurer but more of everything in moderation and only after some careful consideration. He sits back, checks out the
options and then dives into tumbling with his siblings, a nap on the window sill or climbing the
netting on the door to the room. He is happy to be with his people, to be picked up and cuddled and carried around. When he is all tuckered out from playing he will happily cuddle up on
your lap with a buddy or two. Odin is ready to be adopted into his forever home with a sibling
or playmate. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979