Comet & Cupid

Comet & Cupid

Comet & Cupid

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Pet Patrol received a call saying that there were a couple of kittens needing a home. As the story
unfolded, it was discovered that the kittens were born in the hatch of a car that was parked in the
lot for a long period of time. Somehow, the mother cat was able to get inside the car to have her
kittens and raise them in what seemed to be a safe environment. The people transported their
car home and that’s when they discovered the kittens. There were five babies in total and at that
time they were about eight weeks old. The couple kept one of the kittens and found a home for
two others, and then posted the remaining kittens (Comet and Cupid) on social media. Two
young girls who are starting out in life thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to give two
kittens a home and immediately picked them up. After four weeks they realized that the kittens
needed vaccinations and eventually to be neutered, which financially was beyond their means.
Lots of tears were shed, but they also felt comfortable that Pet Patrol would take care the boys.


Comet and Cupid (cute names) are easy to pick up and carry. They are very loving and social
cats and adapted easily to their new environment and integrated into their foster home without
incident. Toys are very exciting to them and they have taken full advantage of the kitty tunnel, cat
tree, and, chasing anything with bells, or crinkles. These two classic orange tabbies, which
means their fur colour is deep and rich, and they have wide swirls instead of stripes are beautiful,
handsome boys deserving a loving home. Comet and Cupid are ready to be adopted into their
forever home. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979