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A man pulled up to the sanctuary in his work truck on a sunny autumn day. He was asking if this
is the place that he could bring cats to. Apparently his boss found three little kittens on his
property and didn’t know exactly what to do with them. There was no mother cat in sight. Overnight they kept them safe and out of harm and in sharing the news with friends and family he
found a home for one of the kittens. But what to do with the other two. They were very, very tiny.
So through the grape vine they discovered Pet Patrol‘s sanctuary and the employee stopped
by. Later that evening, these two little kittens came into our care and they have thrived in their
foster home. Just a week later they called again about little Rosa and her big brother/cousin
Rio. They too were found roaming the property and no mother cat in sight. Not being used to
finding kittens on their property they were grateful that these little ones would be safe now.


Rosa is adorable and likes nothing more than to be picked up, cuddled and held. She is so
sweet in her demeanor and only wants to be loved and to return it in happy purrs. She has
integrated into her foster home without issue as it is obvious that she has lived with a lot of
other cats before and they provided a protective and nurturing beginning to her life. It has
been wonderful to watch her play with toys, something she has never experienced before and
explore kitty tunnels and scratching posts. Rosa is ready to be adopted into her forever home.
Hopefully with Rio, her big brother/cousin or where there is an accepting and playful kitty in her
new home. A family that will make her feel welcomed and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979