Willow & Woody

Willow & Woody

Willow & Woody

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Pet Patrol received several messages from the friends and family of an elderly woman who
lives in a nice neighborhood. The houses are big, and the lawns lush with professional
landscaping. Around the back of her house was a deck with a wooden swing and a mom and
babies. The woman had noticed that the kittens were starting to crawl out from underneath,
their curiosity getting the better of them. She wasn’t sure what to do. The deck needed to be
removed and rebuilt, but they didn’t dare because of the kittens. Upon inspection, we saw that
the deck was degrading. It was easy to pull up the boards, but they crumbled in our hands.
Willow and Woody were rescued the first day but after three or four days, only mom arrived to
eat. It was time to rescue her and have her join her little ones. It was almost six days before
she went into the humane trap and we were pleasantly surprised to find that she was quite
affectionate and friendly. Whisper was reunited with her babies and two orphan kittens as
well. All have thrived in our care.


Willow and Woody are bonded siblings. Pretty little Willow is a high-energy and athletic little
kitten who has fully embraced living her life to the fullest. She lives for playtime! While any toy
is a good toy, if you give this girl a crinkle ball or a string, she will turn into an adorable little
hunter for hours on end. Woody himself is quite mellow. He is calm and intelligent, and his
foster moms think it’s because he spends so much time observing others. He prefers to
spend his time lounging in a hammock – rolled on his back and doesn’t have a care in the
world. He will join in on the Indy 500 race but prefers balls and pom-poms to wrestling and
climbing. Willow is not afraid of heights and likes to jump up and down her multilevel cat tree.
After zooming around and playing hard, both kittens will head for a well-earned nap in a cozy
kitty bed. Willow and Woody are ready to be adopted into their forever home together. One
that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979