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A woman who lives in a small village just outside the city limits, had noticed a black-andwhite tuxedo cat in her yard. He was sitting there, looking sad and a bit timid. She wasn’t
sure what to do at first, thinking that he might just be someone’s cat and he would make
his way home again. But he didn’t. Named Ace, this nice boy continually came to her place
and when she started feeding him, he just stayed. Overtime she was able to pet him and
he became very trusting of her, and eventually she invited him into the house. In calling Pet
Patrol she was advised to check for microchip which he did not have, and he was not
neutered either. We put him through our program to make sure that all his health needs
were met and his handsome boy is now being fostered by his rescuer. He is one of the
lucky ones to have found the right house at the right time.


Ace turned out to be a lovely cat and has integrated in with the resident pets in his foster
home quite well. He is very social and happy to be strictly indoors where it is climate controlled, plenty of food, and freshwater and people to care for him. He has rediscovered toys
and is having a great time, chasing balls with bells, the dangling wand toy, and watching
the world go by from the warm windowsill is all that he needs. Ace has made himself very
comfortable and has proven to be a lovely cat. He is ready to be adopted into his forever
home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979