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“Tom is no trouble at all, we just have too many cats here’. This was the message sent by a
woman who lives in the country, and cats are constantly being brought to their lane and abandoned. Some migrate from other farms as well, and unless talking to your neighbours, you
never know which cats are new or which ones have been hanging around for a while. Tom
was very friendly and social from the get go and he came and went as he pleased. But you
could tell by his scars and rough fur that he was not a fighter and the other unneutered tom cats
got the better of him. A new home was needed to be found and one where he would be appreciated for his good nature. It took a little while for Pet Patrol to have the room for him, it
was during kitten season that we found out about him, but a few weeks later he was in our


Tom is adorable, friendly, affectionate and pretty chill. He fit in with the other cats at the sanctuary without issue and was happy to share a window sill with them when basking in the sun.
He is not sure about toys at this point as he has never had anything with bells, crinkles or is
battery powered. His life was all about survival, every minute of the day. He is a patient cat,
good with people and wanting their attention and affection. He is now living the life indoors.
Tom is a great cat and ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him
into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979