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Pet Patrol received an email from a woman who is quite concerned about a pretty little longhaired tortoiseshell cat who was quite pregnant. When Fantasia first arrived early in the morning the dew was still on the grass, she was wanting attention and affection. The woman’s
daughter was standing at the end of the lane waiting for the school bus to pick her up. The
weather was cool and damp and this kitty looked lost and hungry. The girls mother came out
and picked up The cat and brought her into their garage to make sure that she was safe. After
about a week, she realized that the kitty’s belly was expanding and she was probably pregnant. The
family had contemplated keeping her, but not now that there were kittens expected. They
needed to find a place for her and eventually found Pet


Fantasia is a calm, chatty and social cat who likes to be around people and find a nice lap to snuggle on.  She is such a beautiful petite cat, good with other cats and a balancing force in the household.  She seeks out children for affection and can be found sleeping in a sunbeam with her tummy to the sky.  Fantasia is learning to play, is curious about toys and is starting to run around and play. She gives sweet kisses and has won the hearts of many visitors with her kind and affectionate manner that many have said “she is such a nice cat.” She is looking for a home that will love and adore her and allow her to shower you with her love and affection.  Fantasia is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979