Saige – on hold

Saige – on hold

Saige – on hold

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Saige is a kitty who came to us with patches of fur missing, sores and was very thin and hungry. She showed up at someone’s house and upon examination they could feel her ribs, she
had cuts on her nose and her ears, and she looked very sad and disheveled. It had been
raining heavily for few days and when the sky finally cleared on the weekend they heard their
dog barking outside on his lead. Saige was just sitting there, a few feet from the end of his
leash, just looking at the dog with no fear. This home is surrounded by farmland so it’s uncertain where she actually came from. Was she abandoned by someone in the city or was she
migrating from other barns? She’s a very smart cat and within a few days had charmed them
into letting her inside the house. She needed to be rescued and receive medical care and to
be safe.


Saige is a kitty who loves to bunt her head into you for pets. She is very appreciative of all the
love and affection that she can get, is definitely a lap cat and likes to be with her people. Having been abandoned, she is very happy to be brought indoors and of all the care that Pet
Patrol has been able to give her. Her health issues have been resolved and she now has a
beautiful gray coat that is healthy, and full, she’s gained weight and she loves playing in the
sanctuary. Any toys are welcome. Saige is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One
that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979