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A man who lives in a small village and had contacted Pet Patrol a year ago about a lovely
orange cat that deserved to be rescued has approached us again. Since that time their small
colony of cats has grown to include a mother cat and five kittens, at least five other adults and
three in the house. The cats are all fed and sheltered on the property which helps them to be
healthy and happy, although being inside a home is ideal. Indy had been born to a feral mom
last year on this property and was socialized by the couple, however again not seen by a vet.
He would follow them around outside when they were working in the garden and it didn’t take
much to pet him. Feeling he should be adopted into a home he was soon on his way to the
Pet Patrol sanctuary


Indy is adorable. He is a gentle cat who likes to receive pets and scratches under the chin, is
playful and fun loving. He would do best in a home with another gentle. and accepting cat, as
he is often found cuddled up with several here in the sanctuary. He is a little over whelmed by
the number of cats seeking homes as well, although they are calm and accepting. He
chooses to be up high and watch all the action, but once quiet and at bedtime he comes out to
explore. He likes the kitty tunnel and chasing after anything that rolls or bounces across the
floor. Indy is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the
family and keep him safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979