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Chase made his appearance in a manufacturing warehouse during the midnight shift. His wee size
and twinkling eyes immediately captured the hearts of the forklift and warehouse personnel, as
well as support staff who had heard about his arrival. When the day shift came in, they too were
enthralled with the spunky fella, as were the afternoon shift personnel. During the passage of
time on each shift, concern was raised about his safety. The tow motors were constantly moving
around the warehouse supplying raw materials to the shop floor and bringing back completed
goods for shipping. All the while, the kitten was scooting around under skids and hiding behind
boxes when the tow motors came near. During the afternoon shift, the warehouse operator’s new
support staffer, who was active in rescue and fostering, asked for assistance in trapping and
removing the kitten to safety. A small, humane trap was set up with smelly kitten food and within
minutes, Chase was safely in the trap. Since the kitten wasn’t going to be removed from the
premises until end of shift, the warehouse personnel took the trap to the office area and released
the kitten so they could pet and play with him as they came and went from the office. Later, he
was brought into Pet Patrol’s care.


Chase is a happy little guy. He loves his tinkle ball and blue mouse (currently sporting a missing felt
eye). He races around the house with abandon, leaping over kitty beds and sleeping cats (much to
the older cat’s displeasure). He avails himself of the cardboard scratcher and snuggle time on the
sofa with his foster mom. He likes to cuddle and gives wee kitty kisses, while purring up a storm.
He eats well and takes his grooming very seriously. Chase is ready for his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979