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Little Eli was first spotted on an oppressively hot summer day, looking for shade on the back
porch of a home out in the middle of nowhere. The property, which runs a turkey operation,
was located at the end of a long lane off a paved road with a lot of local traffic. The farmers
were quite worried about him and his two siblings, being dehydrated or trampled by trucks,
cars and machinery. They did their best to bring these wee kittens inside and provide them with
what may have been their first drink of water in days. Once content with their bellies full and
settled in the rescuers proceeded to search for signs of any other cats or kittens nearby, but
they couldn’t even find signs of where the babies had come from. There was no mother or
siblings to be seen. The rescuers then called Pet Patrol, who gladly took the kittens in.


Eli sets the bar for a refined, gentleman tabby. His colouring is just perfect and he carries
himself with all the dignity a kitten can muster – plus a wee bit of swagger. When a lap appears, he needs to hop up for a look – maybe he’ll stay for a cuddle or maybe he’ll just rest a
moment before leaping back into play. Wand toys are a favourite and nothing beats a new
cardboard box, especially if one of his siblings is exploring it too. Once he’s done playing he’ll
hop back up on that lap for a snooze. Eli would be delighted to be adopted with Emory or Ellie
but would easily fit in with just people, or people with another cat for company. He is ready to
be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him
safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979