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Pet Patrol was recently told of a cat that clearly wanted companionship. Adventurous Oliver was all
alone in an incredibly small farm town. He had no mother, no siblings, and was nursing an infected
eye. Fortunately, he managed to find the home of a local cat rescuer and foster. Upon his arrival,
Oliver made himself right at home by sneaking into the rescuers cat pen with 14 other cats! The
homeowner came out to check on her rescues and immediately noticed the newcomer. Oliver was
friendly and had no issue asking for affection, so Pet Patrol was called. With very little effort to
convince him, a transporter came by and placed him in a carrier. Oliver even enjoyed the nearly
hour­long car drive to Pet Patrol, purring and napping the entire way. It’s as if he knew he was
going to a safe, warm, and chin­ scritch ­filled sanctuary.


Oliver started out as a shy boy in his foster home, but he warmed up quickly. It was a pleasure to
see! Now he demands pets and attention (which he clearly enjoys) whenever he sees his foster
parents. Some of his favourite toys are wand toys for him to chase or anything he can bat around
on the ground, and he loves running around and playing with other cats in the home. After playing,
Oliver has his snack and settles down for his neighbourhood watch duty while sitting on the cat
tree. He quite enjoys the view, especially when cuddled up to another kitty to look out the window
with. Oliver is ready to be adopted into his forever home where he will have a welcoming buddy
and be kept safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979