Cassie, Catya, Celeste, Charisma, and Cricket’s story began in the most unexpected place—on the
side of a quiet country road. One early morning, as a woman was driving to work, she spotted a box
sitting oddly between the asphalt and a grassy ditch. Something about it seemed off, and as she
got closer, she realized why. A tiny kitten had scratched a hole through the taped up box, its little
head poking out in a desperate attempt to escape. Inside, eight kittens were huddled together,
abandoned and left to an uncertain fate. Thankfully, this kindhearted woman found them just in
time, preventing them from wandering into danger. Three of the kittens were very weak and needed
extra care, but they quickly recovered under the watchful eye of a nursing mom. The others,
including these five sweet girls, thrived despite their difficult start. When Pet Patrol learned of their
situation, they had been living in a dog cage for three long months at a small rescue, where
overcrowding was a real challenge due to the constant influx of abandoned cats. Once they were
transferred to Pet Patrol’s care, their world expanded in the best possible way.
Charisma, Céleste and Cassie are a petite, sleek trio full of energy, curiosity and playfulness.
Although they definitely are sisters, each of the trio has a delightfully distinct personality. Cassie is
the baby of the trio. She is a little shyer than her two sisters initially but when coaxed will throw
herself onto her side and purr loudly. Cassie is the most vocal of the sisters. If she is hungry she
will let you know. If she is lonely she will let you know. If she is lost she will let you know. She
loves hanging out with her sisters or foster felines and resident hounds. All three sisters are
comfortable with the older foster cats. They tolerate the household dogs in typical feline fashion as
they rip around the house playing with whatever they find— plastic springs and little balls. And even
the odd teabag or two gets pulled into service. They’re ready for a forever home, one that will
welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.