A woman in a small village, wellknown for her dedication to local strays, called Pet Patrol about a
very special visitor at her feeding station. For many years, she has lovingly cared for the cats in her
area, often feeding up to 16 at a time. Her front porch is set up with sheltered areas to keep the
food dry and warm strawlined dog houses for the cats to find comfort in during the colder months.
Over the years, some of these cats have come into Pet Patrol’s care, while others, too feral for
indoor life, have been spayed or neutered and returned. But one day, a handsome, affectionate boy
named Mac showed up at her porch, making it clear he didn’t just want food—he wanted in. Unlike
the other shy cats, Mac knew the comforts of a home and was eager to find that warmth again.
Recognizing he was meant for a family life, the woman contacted Pet Patrol, and soon Mac was on
his way to the sanctuary, nestled in a carrier and ready for his fresh start.
Mac is an absolutely adorable boy with a sweet and easygoing personality. Although he wasn’t too
thrilled about his short stay in a cage during the integration period at the sanctuary, he quickly
settled in once he was free to roam with the other cats. Now, he loves making himself at home,
often found lounging in the warm windowsills, basking in the sunlight, and watching the world go by.
Mac is captivated by the view, happily observing the birds, the passing traffic, and visitors coming
and going from the sanctuary. With a wonderful balance of playfulness and affection, Mac
welcomes everyone into his world with open paws. He’s a social, gentle soul who’s always up for a
bit of play or some cozy snuggles, making him a delightful companion. Mac is ready to be adopted
into his forever home—one that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.