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Chutney’s story began on a chilly October evening when he showed up at a rural farm, cold,
hungry, and seeking warmth. He was spotted trying to get into the farm’s outdoor cat enclosure,
where 14 rescue cats were already living. It was clear he didn’t belong outside—his demeanor was
far from timid or wild. When the homeowner brought him inside to check him over, he immediately
revealed his affectionate side, purring loudly and kneading with his paws, as if to say, “Thank you
for helping me.” Despite being on his own in the cold, he showed no fear or hesitation in seeking
help. It was clear he had known the comfort of a home at some point in his life, but how he ended
up wandering alone remains a mystery. While staying at the farm, Chutney met an Australian
Shepherd and to everyone’s delight, he immediately bonded with the dog, rubbing against him and
even trying to play. Now safe and cared for, Chutney has shown just how much love he has to give.
His journey from a cold, lonely night to the warmth of human kindness is a testament to his trusting
and resilient spirit.


Chutney is a social and affectionate boy who craves human connection. He’s happiest when close
to his people, following them around the house and staying involved in whatever they’re doing.
Whether chasing wand toys, batting at an electronic mouse, or watching birds outside the window,
his playful personality shines. Chutney is also a true lap cat, and when the house quiets down, he
loves to snuggle close, even wrapping his front paws around your neck in a sweet kitty hug. He’s
curious, friendly with dogs, and always eager to explore his surroundings. Chutney is ready to bring
his endless charm and love to his forever home, where he’ll thrive with a family who adores his big
personality and keeps him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979