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A woman who had previously rescued a beautiful calico cat from a local park reached out to Pet
Patrol about an ongoing situation at her grandmother’s home. Living in a very small village, her
grandmother often sees stray, unaltered cats wandering the area, many of which inevitably become
pregnant. With the help of her son, she has been bringing the pregnant cats into her home, raising
the kittens, and finding homes for them. However, after the kittens are adopted, the mother cats are
released back outdoors, only to become pregnant again. The cycle has become overwhelming. At
the time of the call, her grandmother’s house was bustling with two different litters of kittens, and
finding homes for them had become increasingly difficult. Family and friends who had supported
their efforts in the past were no longer able to adopt, and caring for so many kittens was becoming
unmanageable. Pet Patrol stepped in to help, and seven kittens—Timothy, Tom, Tia, Titan, Tobias,
Tribble, and Trinity—were brought into care. Now safe in their foster homes, these kittens are
thriving, receiving plenty of love and attention as they await their forever families.


This sweet, handsome guy is Tommy. I have never met a kitten with such a sweet soul before. He
took on the role of caregiver to the multiple litters that were born in the same home as his. Being
hand raised, he knew kindness and gave that back to his adoptive siblings. When mama cat was
out, we would find the new kittens all laying on top of or beside Tommy. And when they were
content he would find his handler and bop him on the nose with his nose to say I love you and
thank you. Tommy loves to be loved. Snuggles, playing, he loves tummy rubs. He will lay in your
arms like a baby, head over your arm as you gently rub his tummy and chin. He does like to play as
well, and loves the coil springs from the dollar store. Tommy is such a special guy, and deserves a
home that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979