Shorty’s journey to Pet Patrol began in a small town where a compassionate woman has spent
over 40 years caring for the local stray cat population. In her home, she provides food, fresh water,
and heated shelters for feral cats while rescuing those who are friendly or young enough to be
socialized. One day, she came across a lovely black and white cat she believed to be the mother of
a litter of four kittens. Thinking she’d found the entire family, she quickly brought them into care.
However, as it turned out, this sweet cat wasn’t the mother at all—it was a friendly and affectionate
boy! Aptly named Shorty, he charmed his rescuer with his loving nature. In time, the true mother cat
and her kittens were also rescued, and the feral mom was released back to the woman’s property,
where she now enjoys a warm shelter and daily care. Shorty, on the other hand, has adjusted
beautifully to life at the sanctuary. His affectionate personality and easygoing nature make him a joy
to be around. Now, he’s ready to find a forever home where he’ll be safe and loved indoors.
Shorty is a wonderful cat with a gentle demeanor and a playful side. He adjusted quickly to life at
the sanctuary, though the bustling environment might be a bit much for him at times. Even so,
Shorty gets along well with the other cats and is often found curled up with his quieter companions,
especially during busy moments like when the vacuum is running. This sweet boy is active and
loves to play, but he can be a little startled by sudden movements or loud noises. With a calm and
patient home, those reactions are sure to settle as he gains confidence in his new surroundings.
Shorty is affectionate and curious, ready to thrive in a loving environment where he can explore,
play, and relax without the hustle and bustle of sanctuary life. Shorty is ready to be adopted into his
forever home—one that will welcome him as part of the family and keep him safely indoors.