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One of Pet Patrol’s volunteers has a feeding station on her front porch. She called about a new
group of seven or eight friendly cats who were coming on a regular basis to eat. She and her
neighbours had never before seen any of these cats in their small community. They figure they
were just dropped off. Romeo stood out from the crowd because he was not walking well and
it appeared that he had an issue with his back leg. It did not take long to rescue these cats
and since there were so many, some went to another rescue, but Romeo stayed with Pet
Patrol and soon was at the vet. An x-ray showed that his femur on his right hind leg was broken
and surgery would be necessary. Without hesitation it was done and after about six weeks of
recuperation this lovely boy was ready for adoption and a nice home was found or him. Fast
forward two years plus and Romeo was back at the sanctuary looking for a new home, no fault
of his own. It seems that his owner had initially had allergies to cats, but loving them so much
she just dealt with her symptoms. In the last year her usual stuffy nose or itchy eyes seem to
have heightened and allergy tests proved that her allergies to cats have worsened. Poor
Romeo was once more looking for a home.


Romeo is a dear cat, passive and easy going. He was unsure of being at the sanctuary
again, but soon afterwards we were able to place him in a foster home. They understand his
need to have some exercise every day so his leg does not seize up, and that it may take time
for him to settle in. He is a happy and playful cat who has shown his love for people and does
not hesitate to take over someone’s lap. He is agile and loves to climb the cat tree and settle
in for an afternoon nap in the sun. Romeo is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One
that will welcome him into the family and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979