Sailor – chosen

Sailor – chosen

Sailor – chosen

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Pet Patrol was made aware of a family of cats living on a beef farm. It is a one hour drive from
the sanctuary with no cat rescue organizations or city shelters nearby. The owners of the property have reached out beyond their normal area. They love cats and are very kind to them and
watch out for them. It’s not uncommon for farm cats to wander from barn to barn and the females are seeking out the safest place to have their kittens. As it happens, regardless of a cat
aggressive dog, this is the place of choice for a feral mom to have her five little kittens. The
babies have been handled by the young children on the property on a regular basis, and
raised with other adult cats in the house for the last couple of weeks. The feral mom is safe as
well, living in the barn, already spayed.


This boy is so sweet! He starts his constant purring as soon I open the bathroom door. He
loves to be picked up and held, I carry him around while I do small things around the house. He
is active and likes to run around and explore all the small spaces that he can fit into. His
favorite toys are string or wire toys and he will entertain himself with them. He also enjoys
chasing balls or other small toys across the kitchen floor. When he is finished expending his
energy he likes to cuddle on my lap or nearby in the back of the couch, purring the whole
while. He is in a house with an adult cat (who ignores Sailor) but Sailor is interested in saying
hello every day. There is also a lab sized dog who will go nose to nose with Sailor, and Sailor
is interested but isn’t sure how to play with such a large mammal who won’t pick him up for

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979