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Pet Patrol had received a call from a woman who was quite concerned about this little cat who
had shown up on her back porch. She described Tinsel as small, friendly, thin and desperate
to get inside the house. The weather was cold and wet outside, it was mid Autumn and the
wind caused a chill through to your bones. Poor kitten was desperate (she had been out there
for three days) but having a dog that was not cat friendly was a deterrent for her to inviting Tinsel
inside. The woman had no idea where this kitty had come from and usually the first suggestion is for the stray to be posted on any local Lost Pet Sites in case someone is looking for
her, and take the cat to the closest vet and have her checked for a microchip. Explaining that
she would try to find someone to help but she is pretty tied down to the house with a toddler
and new born twins. Soon after a volunteer driver made arrangements to bring Tinsel to the
sanctuary where she was very grateful to be indoors, safe and warm.


Tinsel is a real sweetheart. She is easy to love and she likes the attention and affection from
her people. When she arrived at the sanctuary, like all kitties she was given a condo cage so
that she felt safe, could watch the other cats and we could give her attention and monitor her
personality and health. She passed with flying colours and integrated in with the other cats
easily. Tinsel has started to play with the toys in the playroom, climb the cat trees and is happy
to share the big kitty bed with another passive cat. She is a delight to have and will fit into her
new home with her new people with curiosity and a sense of security. Tinsel is ready to be
adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979