Petal & Lolli

Petal & Lolli

Petal & Lolli

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Petal came from a former coworker of one of our volunteers. She has a country property
about 20 minutes from the sanctuary and most of her barn cats are black, some with white
paws or muzzles. Suddenly, on a rainy day, she heard some crying out by the shed and it was
that of a tiny kitten. This was Petal. But where was she? Eventually the woman zeroed in on
the wood pile and by gingerly removing some of the logs she found teeny tiny Petal peeking
out with her wide eyes and an uncertain expression on her little face. Soon she was in Pet Patrol
care. Lolli was discovered with other tiny kittens sitting numbly on the lawn of a different farm
with the hot summer sun beating down on them. They didn’t know what to do or where to go .
They all had colds, eye infections (to the point where they could not see at all) then there was
little Lolli who had an extremely ulcerated eye. The wee babies were stumbling around and
stopping in fear and exhaustion. Our volunteer gathered up the kittens and they were soon
looked after at the sanctuary under vet care. Lolli no longer has her left eye and like Petal is
happy and healthy.


Petal is a sweetheart and being a bottle fed baby she thinks being in someone’s arms is just
the place to be. She cuddles right in and is quite happy to be carried and see things from up
high. Lolli is the same and both girls are happiest being held or snuggled on your lap. They
are fun loving and energetic, can run full speed around the house, navigating furniture and cat
trees beautifully. They are both happy go lucky kittens who have bonded very closely in their
foster home. Anything new is interesting to them and they seek out new people, boxes, bags,
shoes and new toys are awesome. These girls are amazing and ready to be adopted into
their forever home together. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979