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Merlot’s story as told by his foster: A barn near our house, located on the edge of a small town,
was torn down in the Fall of 2022. The resident barn cats quickly had to find new homes in the
immediate area and one calico female cat, Tawny, took up residence in the forest near our
home. Periodically we would see her, but she would dart out of sight as soon as she realized
she was spotted. In mid-November, she arrived with her five kittens, all about four weeks old at
the time. They quickly took up residence under our neighbour’s deck and eventually caused
the feral outdoor cats to leave their outside shelters. With the weather being wet and cold, we
knew we needed to bring them indoors and allow the heated cat houses to be used for the
cats who needed them. Tawny and her litter were rescued the night before the November snow
fall and were taken safe and sound inside.Paste rescue story here


Mango has racing stripes down his back and two orange circles on each side of his back
legs. This must be the reason he is so fast! Mango loves to run across the room, up the cat
tree and around his siblings. He is quick to play with ribbons or squeaky toys, and shows a
natural ability to catch toys in mid-air. Mango is the first kitten of this litter to seek out human
attention and was often lead by his stomach: treats are the way to this boy’s heart! He gets
your attention by sitting on your lap, and loves to have his cheeks rubbed. Mango is ready to
be adopted into his forever home with a buddy or sibling. One that will welcome them into the
family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979