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Bonnie and her siblings Brody and Brook are three kittens rescued from a chicken barn by
a very kind man. This out building is a nice, warm place for cats and the man appreciated
the fact that they helped keep the mouse population under control. He would leave food for
this small colony daily and made sure that they were spayed or neutered. One day a feral
female cat showed up out of nowhere and was in need of a safe place to have her kittens.
She was heavily pregnant at the time and within a few days, she appeared at the feeding
station thin and he knew that she had her kittens hidden somewhere in the barn. In the fall,
just as the leaves on the trees were turning colour he arrived at work and found two kittens
were not alive, and he knew he needed to have the others rescued asap. He finally managed to bring them to a neighbour who cared for them until Pet Patrol had space. .


Brooke is a charming bundle of fur, a sweet and mischievous kitten with a personality as
endearing as her fluffy appearance. She has never met a person she didn’t like, and when
she’s not chasing a fuzzy cat toy, she can be found curled up on the nearest available lap.
Brooke has an innate curiosity that leads her to explore every nook and cranny of her
surroundings. Chasing after imaginary foes or jingly balls, she finds endless entertainment
in the world around her. When caught in a mischievous act, a gentle reprimand does little
to dampen Brooke’s spirits. Instead, she regards it as a momentary pause in the ongoing
symphony of play. With a tilt of her head and a wide-eyed innocence, she is ready to
resume her adventures. Brooke is the perfect mix of mischief and love and she is sure to
bring joy and laughter to any home lucky enough to make her part of their forever home.
One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979