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Lacey was a purchased cat from an online ad by a man who thought he wanted some company. He had a busy life though and was not home much. Little Lacey lived in his apartment,
but he only visited on weekends, and the rest of the time he was working out of town and
stayed with family members. This poor little cat was left alone for many days in a row, in a
silent apartment, with no one attending to her needs, physically or emotionally. She was not
fed regularly, instead he would leave a small bag of food and rip it open for her to eat, but it
would run out in a few days and she would be left with nothing. Finally, some of the man’s
friends decided to save this kitty from the neglect, and they went to the man’s apartment and
rescued her and brought her to Pet Patrol. When they picked her up, they discovered that she
was very underweight, and starved for attention. She didn’t come with any of the things you
would expect for a cat, like toys and a favourite blanket or bed – she was deprived in every
way. She did not even have a name. Lacey is now safely in Pet Patrol care, where she is
learning what it means to be a beloved companion to people who really care about her.


Lacey is a sweetheart and although it took a little bit of time for her to adjust to the sanctuary
(it was like day and night compared to her previous living conditions) she has done well. The
toys, cat trees, big windows and plenty of good food and fresh water has made her a happy
cat. Her coat has much improved and she is beautifully marked with her calico colouring and
she has gained weight nicely. With a little time and patience Lacey has adjusted to living with
other cats in the sanctuary and is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors. .

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979