Burt & Gracie

Burt & Gracie

Burt & Gracie

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A woman living in a small rural town has a feeding station for feral cats and an outdoor,
insulated shelter where cats can escape the elements. The cats know this is a safe place
and some of the female cats brought the woman their kittens. Even with the shelter at her
house, the woman knew that the outdoors was not a safe place for kittens to grow and
thrive, so she and her daughter started to handle the kittens and socialize them. Slowly, the
trust began to build. The kittens got used to them and began looking forward to being
petted and picked up. The woman contacted local shelters but was told that they were
overflowing with cats and would not take any more. Two lovely bonded sisters, Mya and
Kayla, were brought to Pet Patrol first and then Fuzzburt and Gracie arrived. They have
thrived together and enjoyed all the extra attention


Burt is a lovely little cat who is gentle and kind. He is fun loving likes his people and will
often roll round looking for hugs and pets from anyone willing to stir up a happy purr and
kneading paws. He likes discovering toys that they can chase and wrestle with, the kitty
tunnel was a big hit and so were the cat trees. He seeks out his sister Gracie for play and
cuddling, sometimes calling her when out of sight. Gracie is a cutie who is friendly and
affectionate. She is sweet and fun loving and likes to play games of Chase and Hide &
Seek with her brother Burt. With people she can be silly, rolling around and looking at you
upside down, asking for pets, chin scratches and belly rubs. Burt and Gracie are ready to
be adopted into their forever home together. One that will welcome them into the family
and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979