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As told by his foster home: Charlie showed up at our house the first time at the beginning of
spring. He was very friendly and came back about two weeks later. I took pictures of him and
sent them out to Community to see if anyone recognized him. No one replied. A couple of weeks
ago he arrived at my door and he had a cold, was just in his eyes were weepy. I started him on
antibiotic and made sure he was well fed. When the day came for him to be rescued, I was able
to easily pick him up and put him in my laundry room. Low and behold overnight, he managed to
squeeze through the slightly open window and escape. It was another four or five days before he
arrived again, where he goes in that time I’m not sure . Now he is in Pet Patrol care, he is neutered and happy


Charlie has done very well in his rescue/foster home and it seems to be very natural for him to be
cuddled up on someone’s lap or stretched out on the couch. He has the run of the home and has
explored every part of it, enjoying the views from the window and happy to stay indoors. He loves
to be brushed! He is a bit chatty, not a meow, just the little brrr sound which delights everyone.
Playful and happy go lucky he is enticed by toys and is very curious about everything. Charlie is
good company, a lap cat and a joy to have in the house. He is ready to be adopted into his
forever home. One that will welcome him into the family and keep him safley indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979