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Lately we seem to have a number of pretty calicos coming into Pet Patrol care and Dayna is
one of them. A woman who is associated with Pet Patrol had just brought us two lovely orange
kittens and was on her way home. She was driving along a lesser used highway when the
lights of her car picked up a little cat walking along the road. This was Dayna. There was
nothing around but long grass and fields, no farms or houses could be found and what struck
her the most was the kitty was not startled by the car driving by her. When she stopped and
approached Dayna, with treats in hand, she came forward without hesitation and accepted
pets. Seeing how thin and disheveled Dayna was, with no possible home around, she brought
her into her car and onto Pet Patrol the next day. Dayna was saved.


Thin with rough fur and looking very sad, Dayna ate and slept for three days. She was exhausted but always wanted to be pet, pushing her head into your hand for affection and wanting to lean against you for a cuddle. It did not take long for her recuperation and to enjoy
playing with toys, hanging out with the other cats and basking in the sunbeam streaming
through the big windows. She is a wonderful cat, good company and happy go lucky now.
Dayna is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family
and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979