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There was a colony of cats who were found behind a manufacturing building in town. The colony
had been cared for by the staff, feeding them daily and even providing insulated cat houses for
them. The nice thing was, they were all friendly! But on the other hand, none of the cats were
spayed or neutered and the colony was growing. A company memo was sent out, saying that they
had consulted with the city shelter. They were told to stop feeding the cats. That is sad and wrong.
Rescuing them is the answer. Coyotes were running through the area often and sometimes within
10 feet of our volunteers. They definitely had caused many of the cats to disappear. The colony cats
names all start with the letter K, and this includes Kalista. Our volunteers and the woman who was
feeding the cats were braving the elements daily to ensure this colony was looked after and
brought into care.


Since joining her foster home, Kalista has settled in quite nicely to life in a safe, secure home. She’s
discovered her voice recently, which is the cutest little meow, and she likes to talk with her human
now to discuss the day and ask for attention. She’s not quite ready to be picked up and held, but
every morning she greets you and loves joining her human foster in bed for morning pets and
snuggles. She’s learned she really loves spring toys, crinkle toys she can bunny kick and balls with
bells. She thinks the ribbon is a little suspicious and mostly tries to carry it away to another room
when the human isn’t looking. She is a playful and friendly little girl (also super soft!) who is likely
to come hang out with her humans while they’re spending time around the home. Kalista is ready
to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the family and keep her
safely indoors

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979