Tippy & Ringo

Tippy & Ringo

Tippy & Ringo

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Pet Patrol has known about a woman who has been rescuing cats for many years. She lives
in a remote area in a little house, on her own. Although her health is failing now and finances
are tight, she manages to continue to help cats in need. She is aware of a hoarding situation
in her area, a house with a garage and a lot of clutter inside and out. Apparently the barn
across the road from this property was torn down and the cats that lived there migrated to the
open garage. The owner of that property is kind to the cats and feeds them all, but none
receive any medical care and none are spayed or neutered. Kittens are born and the woman
who has been rescuing cats takes them in for socializing and then finds rescues to take
them. This is where Tippy and his brothers Ringo and Flash came from. They were very timid
when they were first rescued and have come a long way since those early uncertain days.


When first welcomed into their foster home, Tippy and Ringo were shy and frightened. Tippy was
more social than his brother, and with a little time, patience, and a lot of snacks, he began to trust
his foster mommy. He started accepting pets, which quickly escalated into him rolling around on
the ground purring for more. He loves the affection! Tippy isn’t a big fan of being held, but he will
allow it for a brief snuggle or to clip his nails. As Tippy became more comfortable, Ringo started
coming out of his shell. Pets and snuggles are on his term, but he will happily run up to say hi to his
humans. They are both very playful. Strings, toy mice, and feather wands are their favorites. The
brothers play very well together, never fight, and aren’t too chatty. They love other cats and enjoy
the company of their canine foster brother. These boys are very sweet cats and ready to be
adopted into their forever home. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979