One of Pet Patrol‘s long time volunteers, who lives in a very small village off a major highway, had
noticed a number of black and white cats appearing on her property. It was on an irregular basis, so
she figured they were from a local farm that had just been sold. The barn was boarded up and the
cats were not allowed entry, leaving them homeless. A number of cats with their kittens in tow had
approached her for food, and when she obliged, they came back and were rescued. The next kitty
to show up was Becca a whole year after the adjacent property was sold. This little cat spent the
winter in the insulated cat house and it was hard to tell if she was friendly or not. After finally being
rescued, she was brought to the sanctuary, spayed, and vaccinated. Becca is still actively learning
to socialize with humans, so she’s still not 100% convinced of physical affection and the comfort of
petting, but she’s made herself quite at home regardless.
Becca’s personality has taken a while to develop, but she is doing very well now. Never having
been handled by people in her early life, she certainly has made herself comfortable at
the sanctuary. She’s good with the other cats and quite chatty. She likes to walk in front of you and
then, with tail up, she stops and waits for you to pet her back (especially down both her sides at the
same time). She’s a good communicator and will let you know what she wants. She’s also happy to
be around both people and other pets. Becca is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One
that will welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.