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A resident of a little town owned a property close to a popular dumping spot. They’re at the end of a
dead-end street surrounded by a river and creek, and strays have consistently made their way to
their property. As the only local cat owner with multiple kitties, they also have an outdoor catio that
is open when the weather is pleasant. This is where Bonsai was first spotted. He left shortly after,
but a few days later, he was spotted at the end of the lane and in their barn. The homeowner was
familiar with their neighbour’s pets and knew Bonsai had no home, but they also knew that if he
came from a nearby farm or was dumped, he had found a place he felt safer. Pet Patrol arrived
shortly after to get him indoors.


Bonsai is the gentlest little sweetheart. Sanctuary life is too busy for him, but he is making the most
of it. He lets his curiosity lead him into thorough investigations once comfy in a new place, and he
is quite playful. However, Bonsai’s truly all about pets and cuddles, and he will flop over to show his
belly when he sees someone approaching. Belly rubs are his favourite, followed closely by back
massages and chin scritches. Bonsai is ready to be welcomed into his quiet forever home, one that
will give him lots of love and keep him safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979