Nacho & Nutmeg

Nacho & Nutmeg

Nacho & Nutmeg

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Nacho and Nutmeg were found by a man who demolishes barns for a living. The barn these kitties
were found in was destined to be torn down for either a new development or barn. While inspecting
the building, the man discovered these little babies. There didn’t seem to be any indication that a
momma cat was around, and any other felines had departed with the amount of construction going
on nearby. Finally, with two days left until the entire building would be destroyed, the man could
bear it no longer, ­ he took them home. He cared for them as best he could, along with his own cat.
Then he searched for a rescue organization. Someone put him in contact with Pet Patrol, and we
took them into our care. They’ve thrived ever since.


Nacho is an adventure seeking love bug. He splits his time between playing with his sister and
cuddling up with you for pets. He likes toys on strings and balls with bells. He playfully chases his
sister and spends hours playing with her throughout the house. He starts his mornings by finding
you and giving big kisses and demanding lots of pets. When it is nap time, he prefers to be curled
up on you. Nutmeg is slightly shyer than her brother Nacho, but once she gets going, there is
no stopping her. Nutmeg is a curious kitty who seeks out every nook and cranny to see if she can
find something to play with. She enjoys play sessions with her brother. She really loves spending
time at the windows watching the world go by. When it comes to love, she loves little pets and
curling up at your feet for a nap. Nacho and Nutmeg are ready to be adopted into their forever home together. One that will welcome them into the family and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979