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Gracie was found crying desperately in the middle of a field, barely visible to anyone. No food, no
water, and no mom. A couple visiting the woman’s parents decided to take their dog for a walk and
it was their pup that heard and then found Gracie. She was so terribly thin and weak. She obviously
was out of her element in the field. Gathering her up quickly, as she was quite friendly, she pushed
deeply into their arms and purred happily. They took her back to their house which was about an
hour drive away and brought her into Pet Patrol’s care. It took a little while for her to regain her
health, but in time and with patience, she has thrived.


This is the sweetest little cat, coming from a forbidding environment. She has endured fear,
loneliness, hunger, but also experienced the love of people who rescued her and helped her regain
her health. All she wants is love and attention, nurturing, and of course lots of play time. Like all
kittens she is full of energy and curiosity ­ she wants to check out everything new coming into the
house, people included. She is the greeter at the door and wants to know everything. Gracie loves
to watch what is going on outside, basking in the sun on the warm window sill and batting at an
occasional fly. This little sweetie is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will
welcome her into the family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979