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Pet Patrol received a call from a woman desperately seeking help with a litter of kittens. Living 45
minutes north of the sanctuary, she explained that her son’s cat, who was not spayed, had slipped
out of the house and soon after gave birth to six kittens. While she had managed to find a home for
one, the remaining kittens were becoming more than she could handle. With her marriage recently
dissolved, the woman was left to manage the household and care for her children on a very tight
budget. Without a car and struggling to make ends meet, even feeding the kittens was becoming a
challenge. Wanting the best for them but unable to provide the care they needed, she reached out
to Pet Patrol for support. Volunteers quickly stepped in, arranging transportation for the kittens from
her home to the sanctuary. From there, they were placed with a loving foster family, where they
could thrive while awaiting adoption. Thanks to her efforts and the dedication of our volunteers,
these kittens (Prince, Pepper, Parker, Padro and Potato) now have the chance to grow up safe,
healthy, and loved, each one ready to find their forever home.


Parker is an energetic little guy who’s always the first on the scene, ready to explore and play. With
endless curiosity and a brave spirit, Parker doesn’t shy away from new experiences. He’s confident
around people, big dogs, and even loud noises like the vacuum, taking it all in stride. Parker loves
playing tag, interacting with his human friends, and keeping everyone entertained with his playful
antics. Despite his boundless energy, he’s a well-rounded kitten with a sweet and adaptable
personality. With his adorable tabby coat and distinctive spot on his back, Parker is as charming as
he is active. He would be a perfect fit for any family ready to shower him with love, attention, and
plenty of playtime. Parker is excited to find his forever home, where he’ll bring joy, energy, and lots
of cuddles—all while being kept safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979