Harrison & Hopper

Harrison & Hopper

Harrison & Hopper

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A woman who lives in a very small village not too far from the sanctuary sometimes finds stray cats
at her back door. One day, she noticed a handsome orange and white boy, and along with him was
a very pregnant cat with four teens (Hank, Hampton, Hopper, and Harrison) in tow. They were
coming out of the cornfield, seeking food and shelter ­ they were looking for anything that might
help them survive. As the woman put food and fresh water down for them, they ate ravenously. She
immediately noticed how thin they were. The female cat was not showing her friendly side at the
time, but the others quickly came forward for pets and purrs when their bellies were full. Because of
encounters with strays in the past, the woman has a home made for cats in the window well that
looks into her husbands shop, equipped with a heat lamp and dry bedding. Once the family of
kitties settled in, they came into our care and have thrived ever since.


Meet Harrison and Hopper! Harrison is the sweetest little boy. He’s friendly, likes head pats, and
loves to play. Cat tunnels are the coolest thing ever to him, along with cardboard boxes and jingly
balls. He can be startled by loud noises, so he would do well in a quieter home with adults or older
children (Harrison finds the sanctuary a bit too overstimulating). Meanwhile, Hopper went from
being quite scared to overwhelmingly curious. Toys are a wonder to him – he’s constantly the first
to come out and play to find out what new mystery he’s being presented with. He must know what
every aspect of this new indoor life is like! These brothers bolster each other’s confidence and
they’ll continue to help each other grow into wonderful companions with their new forever family,
one that will welcome them with love and keep them safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979