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Zipadee is such a cute name for such a cute little cat. She was discovered in a chicken coop
belonging to a woman who lives kitty corner to a property that was renowned for their overpopulation
of cats. There are 5 acres of junk hidden behind the house and stables, creating a
very untidy and unhealthy situation. The female cats would often migrate over to our volunteer’s
home and have their kittens there because there was not a lot of food available for the cats on
the original property. Our volunteer took care of that. When she first noticed Zipadee she
thought she might be a munchkin cat as her legs are short but not quite short enough to qualify.
When she arrived at the sanctuary she was quite concerned about the environment, although
very happy to see the cats that were there. She felt comfortable in that respect and was
very accepting of petting. It has taken her a little while to come around and show us what a
wonderful sweet personality she has, but now she is ready for someone to love her.


When this pretty little kitty came into Pet Patrol care she was quite timid and unsure. But with
time and patience, lots of pets and gentle chats, she came around very quickly. Loving the
affection now she will readily come to us for attention and pets, ear rubs and even a tummy
rub. She has shown us that she is playful and fun loving, likes to run around with the other
foster cats and jump up onto beds and kitty climbers. Toys are quite entertaining to her and
she has been very curious about them all. She is so cute. Zipadee is still learning about living
indoors, but is quite happy to watch the world outside from the warmth of the window sill. This
dear little cat is ready to be adopted into her forever home. One that will welcome her into the
family and keep her safely indoors.

If you are interested in adoption please contact Pet patrol at 519-669-1979