Pet Patrol received an email from a young fella who owned a very nice cat named Asta:
“Hello. I live in a nice tourist town.. I have a very loving black cat named Asta whom I can’t
afford to feed or house anymore. Everything has become too expensive and I make minimum wage. Is there any way I could surrender him to you guys? I have tried asking
around and seeing if people will take him. I feel like crap doing this but I can’t see any other
way. He is neutered and very cuddly with all people. He would make a great addition for
anyone’s home. I just know for a fact that I can’t take care of him much longer. I can deliver
him, but wanted to contact you first to make sure you are a no kill rescue. Please get back
to me when you can… Thank you.” Within the week Asta was in our care.
Initially this handsome boy appeared quite apprehensive, but by the next morning Asta was
showing us he loves to be loved. He is a gentle cat who is caring and affectionate. Has
lived with other cats before and with a slow introduction it has been successful. He is a
super affectionate cat but doesn’t understand that he is a big boy and outweighs most
other cats. He is tall and long and carries himself well. Asta will come to his people and
flop down on your phone for attention which is quite a clear message that he wants your
attention and it is time for pets and brushing. This boy is good company and very social.
He is ready to be adopted into his forever home. One that will welcome him into the family
and keep him safely indoors.